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Bekasi City KPAD Summons Al-Azhar Summarecon Islamic Middle School Regarding Alleged Bullying Case

Bekasi City KPAD Summons Al-Azhar Summarecon Islamic Middle School Regarding Alleged Bullying Case
Bully SMP Al Azhar 31. The Regional Child Protection Commission (KPAD) summoned the Summarecon Bekasi Islamic Middle School 31 Al-Azhar Middle School regarding reports of alleged student bullying with the initial P (13), Wednesday (11/12/2019).
 observations, a number of school representatives of approximately five people came to meet the call to the KPAD office on Jalan Jenderal Ahmad Yani, South Bekasi District, Bekasi City.

Bekasi City KPAD Chair, Aris Setiawan said the first summons was a form of clarification of the report received by his party from P student's parents, Fitriyasah (45)

"We have already called and clarified, it has been conveyed from the school regarding complaints that came to us," Aris told TribunJakarta.com.

The results of this clarification will continue to be explored.

Aris asserted that there were two statements that were mutually contradicting the alleged bullying that allegedly happened to P. students.

"We will observe the results of clarification, we will deepen again, including with related parties, from parents we will also call again," he stated.

Another step that the KPAD will take in handling this case is to conduct a direct visit to the Al-Azhar Summarecon Islamic Middle School.

"We will only visit when we don't know when because from the school they also need preparation," said Aris.

Broadly speaking, the school denies any suspected bullying by senior P students who are Grade 7 students.

"If there is a report from the reporter (suspected of bullying), but if there is no report from the reporter, there is only a fight,"

"Because what we asked earlier was about the reports we received, a few things later we will ask again to the parents concerned," he stressed.

Meanwhile, the Al-Azhar 31 Islamic Middle School Summarecon Bekasi after fulfilling the call was reluctant to comment.

They submit completely to the KPAD so that a middle ground can be found.

Accused of Not Responding to Alleged Bullying, Here's the Explanation of Al-Azhar Summarecon Islamic Middle School Bekasi

Al-Azhar Islamic Middle School 31 Summarecon Bekasi has denied the alleged bullying that befell its former student initials P (13).

Sumarwanto, Public Relations School of Al-Azhar in a written statement received by Monday (12/09/2019), said there had never been a beating action by a senior class against P. students.

"In accordance with the findings of the facts in the field, there was never a beating by senior students to P students, but what happened was P made one-on-one physical contact with his classmates," Sumarwanto said.

As for the expenditure on P students from school, he explained, this was in accordance with applicable regulations.

"Every student who violates the rules listed in the code of conduct, will be charged points that are proportional to the weight of the violations committed by students," he explained.

"If the student violation points accumulate to a certain amount, then the student will get the toughest sanction, which is willing to resign," he added.

The rules of the code of conduct and the point system to the sanctions that will be accepted by students are known to parents or guardians since students are registered as students of Summarecon Islamic Middle School 31 Summarecon Bekasi.

"The code of conduct is known, agreed upon and obliged to be obeyed by all students and parents, where students and parents of students have put their signatures on the stamp duty 6000, as a sign of understanding and agreeing," he explained.

Parents named Azmi Fitriyasah (45), reported allegations of bullying that befell their child initials P (12) to the Bekasi Regional Child Protection Commission (KPAD), Friday, (6/12/2019).

Azmi came to the KPAD office on Jalan Jenderal Ahmad Yani, a former Immigration building, Komplek GOR Bekasi, South Bekasi District, around 14.00 WIB accompanied by his wife.

The purpose of reporting this alleged bullying is so that their children receive fair treatment from the school.

Because, P is known to often get violence done by his class sister when he was still attending Almarumon Al-Azhar Junior High School in Bekasi.

"So I came here to ask for justice from the KPAD for the treatment my son got, he was the victim of a beating by his senior," Azmi said after making a report in the Bekasi City KPAD.

Azmi explained, this alleged case of bullying was first revealed when her child was reluctant to go to school because she was afraid of being attacked by her senior.

"The last incident on September 26, 2019, my son cried as if he was lazy to go to school, instead he said 'Mother doesn't know that I was beaten'," he said.

From this confession, Azmi went to the school to ask for clarification of what had happened to her child.

He said that the school did not respond to allegations of bullying seriously.

Plus when he got a report from school that his son had a bad record.

This is seen from the behavioral evaluation points that have reached 1000.

"If the Al-Azhar Summarecon school has a point system, if more than 1,000 points are issued," he said.

From there Azmi felt furious, her child who received bullying treatment actually received a big point while the bullying who gang up on her child was still acceptable to the school.

"It should be fair, maybe my child was never late, had a fight so that his friend's eyes got points, but if the gang does not get points, instead they are protected, meaning that it's not fair," he explained.

Accused of Not Responding to Alleged Bullying, Here's the Explanation of Al-Azhar Summarecon Islamic Middle School Bekasi

Accused of Not Responding to Alleged Bullying, Here's the Explanation of Al-Azhar Summarecon Islamic Middle School Bekasi
Korban Bully SMP Al Azhar 31 Summarecon Bekasi. Al-Azhar Islamic Middle School 31 Summarecon Bekasi has denied the alleged bullying that befell its former student initials P (13).

Sumarwanto, Public Relations School of Al-Azhar in a written statement received by TribunJakarta.com, Monday (12/09/2019), said there had never been a beating action by a senior class against P. students.

"In accordance with the findings of the facts in the field, there was never a beating by senior students to P students, but what happened was P made one-on-one physical contact with his classmates," Sumarwanto said.

As for the expenditure on P students from school, he explained, this was in accordance with applicable regulations.

"Every student who violates the rules listed in the code of conduct, will be charged points that are proportional to the weight of the violations committed by students," he explained.

"If the student violation points accumulate to a certain amount, then the student will get the toughest sanction, which is willing to resign," he added.

The rules of the code of conduct and the point system to the sanctions that will be accepted by students are known to parents or guardians since students are registered as students of Summarecon Islamic Middle School 31 Summarecon Bekasi.

"The code of conduct is known, agreed upon and obliged to be obeyed by all students and parents, where students and parents of students have put their signatures on the stamp duty 6000, as a sign of understanding and agreeing," he explained.

Parents named Azmi Fitriyasah (45), reported allegations of bullying that befell their child initials P (12) to the Bekasi Regional Child Protection Commission (KPAD), Friday, (6/12/2019).

Azmi came to the KPAD office on Jalan Jenderal Ahmad Yani, a former Immigration building, Komplek GOR Bekasi, South Bekasi District, around 14.00 WIB accompanied by his wife.

The purpose of reporting this alleged bullying is so that their children receive fair treatment from the school.

Because, P is known to often get violence done by his class sister when he was still attending Almarumon Al-Azhar Junior High School in Bekasi.

"So I came here to ask for justice from the KPAD for the treatment my son got, he was the victim of a beating by his senior," Azmi said after making a report in the Bekasi City KPAD.

Azmi explained, this alleged case of bullying was first revealed when her child was reluctant to go to school because she was afraid of being attacked by her senior.

"The last incident on September 26, 2019, my son cried as if he was lazy to go to school, instead he said 'Mother doesn't know that I was beaten'," he said.

From this confession, Azmi went to the school to ask for clarification of what had happened to her child.

He said that the school did not respond to allegations of bullying seriously.

Plus when he got a report from school that his son had a bad record.

This is seen from the behavioral evaluation points that have reached 1000.

"If the Al-Azhar Summarecon school has a point system, if more than 1,000 points are issued," he said.

From there Azmi felt furious, her child who received bullying treatment actually received a big point while the bullying who gang up on her child was still acceptable to the school.

"It should be fair, maybe my child was never late, had a fight so that his friend's eyes got points, but if the gang does not get points, instead they are protected, meaning that it's not fair," he explained.

Clarify the Alleged Bullying Case

Clarify the Alleged Bullying Case
Siswa SMP Al Azhar 31 Dianiaya. The Bekasi City Child Protection Commission (KPAD) will summon P parents who are suspected to be victims of abuse or bullying by their seniors in Al Azhar 31 Summarecon Bekasi Junior High School. The plan, KPAD also called Al Azhar Middle School.

Bekasi City KPAD Chair, Aris Setiawan said, the summons will be scheduled on Wednesday (1/29) today. According to him, the summons was for the mediation process so that the problems that occurred could be resolved.

"I have sent a letter to Al Azhar Middle School and parents from P. Tomorrow (today) we mediate at the office," he said.

He admitted if the institution had received reports of alleged harassment at the beginning of December 2019. From the report, the commissioners have made observations to each related party.

"The KPAD has gone down, we have asked for information from each party separately. We filter statements from each party. So far, we don't know the details of this case, whether there is abuse or not, "he said.

Therefore, on Wednesday (1/29) today, his party plans to decide where the case will continue. However, he did not limit the rights of P's parents if he wanted to proceed to the realm of law.

"The point is that tomorrow we bring together the two parties, including we also find God willing who is concerned or the alleged culprit. "Actually this case we want to solve at the end of last December, but due to the holidays we do not want to disturb vacation time," he concluded.

It is known that the actions of a number of students and youths who joined the Anti-Violence Student Unity Action (AKMAK) also took place at Al Azhar Summarecon Junior High School in Bekasi City, North Bekasi District, Bekasi City, Tuesday (1/29). The masses asked for the settlement of the case completely. And urged that bullying cases no longer occur in the school environment.

Even Bully Is Excommunicated, Al-Azhar Middle School Students in Bekasi Choose School Transfer

Even Bully Is Excommunicated, Al-Azhar Middle School Students in Bekasi Choose School Transfer

Bully SMP Al Azhar 31. The act of bullying or harassment of a senior class occurred again in Bekasi City.

This happened to students with the initial P (13) who were still in class VII of Al-Azhar 31 Summarecon Bekasi School, which was beaten by 10 older siblings who were in class IX.

The action like a gang of thugs is known by Hasmi Fitriasyah, P's parent (victim), after her child won't go to school.

While the action that deserves to be called the beatings he mentioned took place in September 2019.

"My son was beaten by 10 older siblings, Untung did not die, it was the third time a bullying incident was experienced by my child," Hasmi said, Tuesday (1/28/20) when talking through a celular connection to reporters.

Hasmi regretted that the harassment incident took place in a school that had a good public stigma. in fact, he said, the school seemed to close its eyes and as if there were no events.

"Even though my child was dragged from junior high school to the elementary canteen (Al-Azhar 31). Four people held my child so as not to move, while six others beat my child, "he said.

Hasmi had reported the harassment actions to the Bekasi City Child Protection Commission (KPAD).

Ironically, after being mediated, the school denied the existence of harassment.

"When I reprimanded the school said that my child was only beaten by four people. Even though the action was not praiseworthy at school, now when it came to the KPAD the school denied the existence of the harassment action, the statement by the school was inconsistent, "he said.

Hasmi admitted that at that time her son P had not even completed a month of education at Al-Azhar. When the Student Orientation Mass (MOS) he said, there was no violence that happened to his child.

"After waiting, there will be violence. first my child was bothered by seniors, secondly in front of my wife my son's collar was pulled up to strangle his neck. Well, the third time I was beating 10 people, "he said.

Sadly, Hasmi's reprimand to the principal was ignored. Instead, P was removed from the school.

Until finally Hasmi decided to move her child to carry a better education.

"I feel sad because the action actually has entered the criminal realm. and I emphasize if such actions have tarnished the world of education, "he said.

Al-Azhar Summarecon Bekasi Operational Staff, Ardana when confirmed denied any harassment actions experienced by students P.

According to him, the case had been mediated by the KPAD some time ago.

"I have talked to the principal that in his school there were no cases of bullying or student beatings," he said.

Student Kepung Al Azhar Summarecon, Asks Principal to Resign

Student Kepung Al Azhar Summarecon, Asks Principal to Resign
SMP Al Azhar 31 Summarecon Bekasi. Dozens of students and youths who joined the Anti-Violence Student Unity Action (AKMAK) surrounded the Al Azhar Summarecon Junior High School in Bekasi City. Request justice for cases of bullying and beatings experienced (P), Tuesday (01/28/20)

According to the Jilun action coordinator, stating that cases of bullying and suspected beatings of school children who have been viral in print and electronic media must be clearly disclosed.

"We are here demanding to Al Azhar Summarecon to stop bullying, Stop protecting bullying and beatingers and the Principal must step down and take responsibility for the safety and trauma of students of bully and beating victims," ​​he said.

Jilun also asked the Bekasi City government to immediately solve the bullying and beating case involving Al Azhar Summarecon Students.

"I ask that this problem be thoroughly investigated, because if it is not resolved it can be a negative effect for the Bekasi City government," he said

From Bekasisatu.id's monitoring, there were no Al Azhar Summarecon high school officials who wanted to talk to the students of the demonstration, only the Operational Staff dared to speak.

"We agree that the bullying case is an act that is not commendable, I have told the principal that in his school there were no bullying or student beatings," said Al Azhar Summarecon Operational Staff, Ardana in front of the demonstrators.

Pembangunan PLTN Dinilai Perlu Dikaji Ulang

Pembangunan PLTN Dinilai Perlu Dikaji Ulang
Buletin Nasional. Wacana pengembangan pembangkit listrik tenaga nuklir (PLTN) di dalam negeri dinilai perlu dikaji ulang. Selain butuh biaya tinggi, posisi Indonesia yang berada di cincin api pasifik (Pacific ring of fire) juga menimbulkan risiko tersendiri.

Pengamat dan praktisi energi Herman Darnel Ibrahim mengatakan, bahwa jika Indonesia tetap membangun PLTN ini bisa menggerus devisa kedepannya. Sebab, pembangunan dari keselurahan PLTN ini menurutnya membutuhkan biaya yang cukup tinggi.

“Jadi tipikal investasi di Indonesia itu biasanya investasi yang kecil dan kalau dari 100 mw perlu 7 miliar. Ini sebesar 1,5 miliar dan ada potensi kerugiaan kedepan dan devisa kita bisa tergerus,” tutur dalam diskusi “Pro-Kontra Penggunaan Energi Nuklir di Indonesia” di Jakarta, Kamis (18/10/2018).
Menurutnya, lebih baik Indonesia menyimpan batu bara yang melimpah dibandingkan terus di ekspor ke negara lain. Sebab, penggunaan batu bara bisa memberikan dampak yang positif dalam perekonomian Indonesia.

“Mending kita meningkatkan ekspolorasinya batu bara dan gas dan ini dua-dua murah. Yang sebenarnya dibangun itu dimana hentikan ekspornya dimana batu bara lebih banyak di simpan untuk kedepannya. Pengurasan Sumber Daya Alam,” jelasnya.

Sebagai informasi, PT Perusahaan Listrik Negara (PLN) siap jika diperintah untuk mengoperasionalkan Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Nuklir (PLTN). Saat ini sumber daya manusia (SDM) sudah siap karena sudah dipersiapkan sejak 20 tahun lalu, namun mereka masih menunggu keputusan pemerintah.
#Tag : Ekonomi Nasional

Pihak ESDM menawarkan Jepang Investasi Proyek PLTB di Indonesia

Pihak ESDM menawarkan Jepang Investasi Proyek PLTB di Indonesia
Harian Press. Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral menawarkan Jepang berinvestasi di beberapa proyek Energi Baru dan Terbarukan atau EBT di Indonesia. Salah satunya adalah investasi di proyek Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Bayu (PLTB).

Direktur Aneka Energi Baru dan Energi Terbarukan Kementerian ESDM, Harris mengatakan, saat ini sudah ada satu proyek PLTB yang terbangun yaitu PLTB Sidrap dengan kapasitas 75 Megawatt. Kincir angin listrik pertama di Indonesia ini pun mendorong proyek serupa di berbagai wilayah Indonesia.

“Ini juga yang menjadi penggerak sehingga pembangkit angin lainnya sudah mulai merencanakan. Saat ini ada 22 upcoming proyek dan kapasitasnya besar,” kata Harris di acara Japan-Indonesia Business Forum for Energy Efficiency, Conservation and Renewable, di Hotel Indonesia Kempinski, Jakarta, Rabu 14 November 2018.

Harris mengungkapkan, 22 proyek tersebut berada di berbagai lokasi di Indonesia dengan total kapasitas keseluruhan akan mencapai 1.377 MW. Di antara lokasinya meliputi Sukabumi, Banten, Yogyakarta, Jawa Timur, NTT, NTB hingga Maluku.
“Sekarang semakin banyak yang minat di sini (PLTB) dan diharap Jepang bisa mempercepat realisasi pembangunan EBT di Indonesia,” katanya di hadapan peserta forum.
Harris juga mengungkapkan, tantangan saat ini dalam pembangunan PLTB adalah pembiayaan yang murah dan akses yang mudah. Selain itu juga ada aspek teknologi dan ada isu intermitten(tergantung cuaca atau angin) sehingga diperlukan penanganan yang bagus. “Selama ini belum banyak yang mau investasi khususnya di wilayah Timur Indonesia,” katanya.

Sementara untuk menggerakkan investasi di sektor EBT, Harris menambahkan pihaknya juga memiliki ide pengembangan pembangkit listrik EBT di wilayah terpencil. Salah satunya adalah pengembangan Off Grid atau Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Surya dengan skala besar di wilayah terpencil.
“Tidak lagi satu desa, satu desa tapi satu paket beberapa puluh desa sehingga proyek ini menarik bagi swasta,” kata Harris.
#Tag : Ekonomi

Harga minyaa dunia merosot, Terkena imbas Produksi tiga produsen

Harga minyaa dunia merosot, Terkena imbas Produksi tiga produsen
Pojok Pos. Pada awal perdagangan, Jumat (2/11/2018), harga minyak mentah dunia merosot usai terimbas lonjakan produksi minyak mentah oleh tiga produsen terbesar dunia yang mencapai rekor. Kondisi tersebut melebihi kekhawatiran pasokan dari sanksi Amerika Serikat (AS) terhadap ekspor minyak Iran yang akan diterapkan mulai 4 November, mendatang.

Seperti dilansir Reuters hari ini, harga minyak mentah berjangka Brent untuk bulan depan diperdagangkan ke posisi USD72,50 per barel pada pukul 02.40 GMT atau menyusut 39 sen yang setara 0,5% dibandingkan penutupan terakhir. Sedangkan harga minyak mentah berjangka AS yakni West Texas Intermediate (WTI) lebih rendah 37 sen atau 0,6% menjadi USD63,32 per barel.

“Harga minyak mentah mendapatkan hantaman cukup parah karena investor terkesima pada meningkatnya persediaan global dan mencatat output tinggi pada 2018 dari negara-negara penghasil minyak,” kata Pialang Phillip Futures Benjamin Lu di Singapura.

Tercatat Brent telah jatuh lebih dari 12% sejak awal Oktober, sementara WTI telah kehilangan lebih dari 13% nilainya. Sebanyak 15 negara yang tergabung dalam Organisasi Negara-negara Pengekspor Minyak (OPEC) telah mendorong produksi minyak pada Oktober menjadi 33,31 juta barel per hari (bpd), seperti disampaikan sebuah survei Reuters pekan ini.

Adapun angka tersebut naik lebih tinggi 390.000 bph dari September dan tertinggi oleh OPEC sejak Desember 2016, tepat sebelum grup mulai secara sukarela menahan pasokan pada Januari 2017 untuk menopang harga minyak dunia. Di sisi lain, produksi minyak mentah AS melonjak 416.000 bph hingga rekor 11,346 juta bpd pada bulan Agustus, yang diungkapkan dalam laporan Administrasi Informasi Energi AS (EIA).

Sementara itu setiap minggunya, produksi minyak mentah AS mencapai 11,2 juta bpd pada minggu lalu. “Pertumbuhan secara Year-on-year dalam produksi minyak mentah AS rata-rata hampir 1,5 juta barel per hari dalam delapan bulan pertama tahun ini .dengan output dari banyak daerah penghasil utama mencapai titik tertinggi,” ujar bank Barclays.

Pada awal perdagangan, Jumat (2/11/2018), harga minyak mentah dunia merosot usai terimbas lonjakan produksi minyak mentah oleh tiga produsen terbesar dunia yang mencapai rekor. Kondisi tersebut melebihi kekhawatiran pasokan dari sanksi Amerika Serikat (AS) terhadap ekspor minyak Iran yang akan diterapkan mulai 4 November, mendatang.

Seperti dilansir Reuters hari ini, harga minyak mentah berjangka Brent untuk bulan depan diperdagangkan ke posisi USD72,50 per barel pada pukul 02.40 GMT atau menyusut 39 sen yang setara 0,5% dibandingkan penutupan terakhir. Sedangkan harga minyak mentah berjangka AS yakni West Texas Intermediate (WTI) lebih rendah 37 sen atau 0,6% menjadi USD63,32 per barel.

“Harga minyak mentah mendapatkan hantaman cukup parah karena investor terkesima pada meningkatnya persediaan global dan mencatat output tinggi pada 2018 dari negara-negara penghasil minyak,” kata Pialang Phillip Futures Benjamin Lu di Singapura.

Tercatat Brent telah jatuh lebih dari 12% sejak awal Oktober, sementara WTI telah kehilangan lebih dari 13% nilainya. Sebanyak 15 negara yang tergabung dalam Organisasi Negara-negara Pengekspor Minyak (OPEC) telah mendorong produksi minyak pada Oktober menjadi 33,31 juta barel per hari (bpd), seperti disampaikan sebuah survei Reuters pekan ini.

Adapun angka tersebut naik lebih tinggi 390.000 bph dari September dan tertinggi oleh OPEC sejak Desember 2016, tepat sebelum grup mulai secara sukarela menahan pasokan pada Januari 2017 untuk menopang harga minyak dunia. Di sisi lain, produksi minyak mentah AS melonjak 416.000 bph hingga rekor 11,346 juta bpd pada bulan Agustus, yang diungkapkan dalam laporan Administrasi Informasi Energi AS (EIA).

Sementara itu setiap minggunya, produksi minyak mentah AS mencapai 11,2 juta bpd pada minggu lalu. “Pertumbuhan secara Year-on-year dalam produksi minyak mentah AS rata-rata hampir 1,5 juta barel per hari dalam delapan bulan pertama tahun ini .dengan output dari banyak daerah penghasil utama mencapai titik tertinggi,” ujar bank Barclays.
#Tag : Dunia Ekonomi

Industri Rokok Dan Karet Akan Segera Keluar Dari Daftar Negatif Investasi

Industri Rokok Dan Karet Akan Segera Keluar Dari Daftar Negatif Investasi
Kanal Utama. Supaya industri rokok menengah dapat naik kelas dan mengembangkan sayapnya menjadi industri besar, pemerintah berencana untuk melepas industri rokok menengah dari daftar negatif investasi atau DNI.

Menteri Perindustrian Airlangga Hartato menjelaskan, selama ini, dengan masuknya industri tersebut ke dalam DNI, mengharuskan mereka bermitra dengan industri besar, jika ingin mendapatkan kucuran investasi.

Karena, sesuai dengan Perpres No.36/2010 Kemenperin hanya akan memberikan rekomendasi investasi baru di industri rokok, dengan syarat investasi dilakukan pada perusahaan yang memiliki izin usaha industri yang melakukan perluasan.
Investasi juga dapat dilakukan pada industri rokok skala kecil dan menengah yang bermitra dengan industri skala besar yang memiliki izin usaha industri pada bidang usaha sejenis.

“Industri rokok juga kita buat relaksasi. Kalau dulu kan industri menengah itu harus bermitra dengan yang besar,” kata dia di Kantor Kementerian Koordinator Bidang Perekonomian Jakarta, kemarin.
Selain itu, Airlangga juga mengatakan, relaksasi tersebut juga dilakukan untuk industri crumb rubber atau atau karet remah yang bersumber dari alam. Sayangnya, Airlangga belum mau merincikan alasan industri itu harus lepas dari DNI.

Crumb rubber itu kan buat industri karet sintetis, karet alam. kalo crumb rubber itu karet alam, proses karet alam,” ungkap Airlangga.
#Tag : Ekonomi